
Die Welt der Instumente


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wellcome to m8klang

Willkomen on my side m8klang

TriologieHow does one come onto such a home page name? I am often asked -- .
To this there is a history.

    I have a friend -- and this one is guitar master builder.
    During the much e-mail traffic with him numbers and singles letters appeared between the lines of text suddenly.
    One already must twice in a superior manner if one reads such a sentence:

    "he simply had the m8 nx for d1 for is, m1 is are for 4 for this for Katz replaced the words ..., if away " -- by numbers I found it funny.

What does give interresantes here?
TriologieIch would like to try to form an internet side for hobbyist and musician i.e.:

    Informative and Downloads of the instrument making
    General Basteleien about this & this
    A couple of after-basic informations about electrical engineering
    A couple of tips and informative for SIMSON vehicles
    A one carrying service bands
    (Einttragservice only for registered users)
    A category to the Dounload of guitars scolded--and building plans

The philosophy of the side?
This still will show, however:

    the home page becomes for certain never manufacture a building site well stays always
    Enquiries with me answer get sure
    and vieleicht forms an interest community.

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